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Adobe AD0-E716 Adobe Commerce Developer with Cloud Add-on Exam Practice Test

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Adobe Commerce Developer with Cloud Add-on Questions and Answers

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Question 1

When researching some issues with the indexer, an Adobe Commerce developer is seeing errors in the logs similar to Memory size allocated for the temporary table is more than 20% of innodb_buffer_pool_size. It is suggested that the client update innodb_buf f er_pool_size or decrease the batch size value.

Why does decreasing the batch size value improve performance?



This decreases memory usage for the temporary table.


This allows for a longer timeout per batch process.


This allows for more PHP threads to be utilized during the process.

Question 2

What is the command used to upgrade ECE-Tools on an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform?



php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools upgrade


composer update magento/ece-tools --with-all-dependencies


magento-cloud ece-tools:upgrade

Question 3

An Adobe Commerce developer has created a new shipping carrier Everything has been implemented and the collectRates() and getAllowedMethodsQ functions can be seen below:

Given the above code, what would be the displayed cost of the shipping method and final amount charged to the customer?



The shipping method would display SO but customers would pay a $10 handling fee for their order.


The shipping method would display $0 and customers would pay $0 for using the new shipping method.


The shipping method would display $10 and customers would pay $10 for using the new shipping method.

Question 4

An Adobe Commerce Developer wishes to add an action to a pre-existing route, but does not wish to interfere with the functionality of the actions from the original route.

What must the developer do to ensure that their action works without any side effects in the original module?



In the route declaration, use the before or after parameters to load their module in before or after the original module.


Inject the new action into the standard router constructor's $actiomist parameter.


Addthe action into to the controllers/front_name/ in My.Module, Magento will automatically detect and use it.

Question 5

An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with creating a new cron job to run a method that has already been written. What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this?



Create a crontab.xmi file and a new system configuration in system.xmi for the schedule.


Create crontab.xmi and cron_groups.xmi files to assign the new job to a cron group.


Create a crontab.xmi file and set a schedule for the new cron job.

Question 6

An Adobe Commerce developer is asked to create a new payment method for their project. This project has administrators who use the backend to manage customer information and occasionally place orders. When testing the new payment method on the frontend everything worked as expected, however, the payment method is missing in the admin.

What is a possible reason for this?



In the module di.xml, there were no default 3DS verification types configured as a VirtualType.


In the module config.xmi, the boolean value for can_capture was set to false.


In the module config.xmi, the node can_use_internal was not set to true.

Question 7

A logistics company with an Adobe Commerce extension sends a list of reviewed shipment fees to all its clients every month in a CSV file. The merchant then uploads this CSV file to a "file upload" field in admin configuration of Adobe Commerce.

What are the two requirements to display the "file upload" field and process the actual CSV import? (Choose two.)







Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

Question 8

An Adobe Commerce Developer is tasked with creating a custom form which submits its data to a frontend controller They have decided to create an action and have implemented the \Magento\Framework\App\Action\HttpPostActioninterface class, but are not seeing the data being persisted in the database, and an error message is being shown on the frontend after submission.

After debugging and ensuring that the data persistence logic is correct, what may be cause and solution to this?



Magento does not allow POST requests to a frontend controller, therefore, the submission functionality will need to be rewritten as an API endpoint.


The developer forgot to implement a validatePostDataQ method in their action. They should implement this method: all non-validated POST data

gets stripped out of the request and an error is thrown.


Form key validation runs on all non-AJAX POST requests, the developer needs to add the for_key to their requests.

Question 9

An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a module to manage custom brand entities and wants to replicate the following SQL query using SearchCriteria:






Option A


Option B


Option C

Question 10

When attempting operations that require lengthy processing, a merchant on Adobe Commerce Cloud receives a timeout error after 180 seconds.

How would the developer deal with this issue?



1. Modify admin timeout into .magento.app.yamifile.

2. Commit and push that code from the local environment.

3. Move code to Production environment.


1. In the Fastly Configuration section > Advanced Configuration.

2. Set the Admin path timeout value in seconds.

3. Save config and Upload VCL to Fastly.


1. Modify admin timeout into app/etc/config.php file.

2. Commit and push that code from the local environment.

3. Submit a support ticket to apply the changes.

Question 11

An Adobe Commerce developer has installed a module from a third-party vendor. This module fires a custom event named third_party_event_after and also defines an observer named third_party_event_after_observer that listens to that event. The developer wants to listen to this custom event in their own module but wants to execute their observer's logic after the third_party_event_after_observer observer has finished executing.

What would the developer do to ensure their observer runs after the observer defined by the third-party module?



Ensure the third-party module is listed in the node of the developer's module.xmi file.


Set the sort order of the new observer to be less than that of the third-party vendor's observer.


This is not possible as observers listening to the same event may be invoked in any order.

Question 12

How would a developer turn on outgoing emails on an Adobe Commerce Cloud Staging environment?



From the command line

ece-tools enable_smtp true


From the command line

magento-cloud environment:info -p -e enable_smtp true


Access the Project Web Interface and select the Staging environment.

Select Configure environment.

Toggle Outgoing emails On

Question 13

An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a custom gallery extension.

The module uses the Magento\catalog\Model\iinageUploader class for image uploading. The admin controller for custom image uploads is Vendor\CustomGallery\Controller\Adminhtml\Image\Upload.

The images need to be stored in different basePath and baseTmpPath than the default ones.

How can the default imageuploader class be extended and used without affecting the other modules that are already using it?






Option A


Option B


Option C

Question 14

An Adobe Commerce developer has created a module that adds a product attribute to all product types via a Data Patch-According to best practices, how would the developer ensure this product attribute is removed in the event that the module is uninstalled at a later date?



Add an Uninstall.php file extending \l1agento\Framework\Setup\UninstallInterface tO the module's Setup directory and implement the uninstall



Add instructions to the module's README.md file instructing merchants and developers that they must manually remove this attribute if they want to uninstall the module.


Make the Data Patch implement \Magento\Framework\setup\Patch\PatchRevertabieinterface and implement therevert method to remove the®product attribute.

Question 15

An Adobe Commerce Cloud project is using Enhanced Integration Environments with two install a new payment module.

The developer is using Cloud CLI for Commerce tool.

What would a developer do to test this new feature under the integration environment?



1. Duplicate one of the integration environment branches.

2. Create a new active branch from integration and install the module.

3. Push the changes.


1. Create a new branch from integration and install the module.

2. Push the changes.

3. Branch active status check is not necessary.


1. Deactivate one of the active integration environment branches.

2. Create a new active branch from integration and install the module.

3. Push the changes.

Question 16

A merchant is experiencing performance issues on integration environments of their Adobe Commerce Cloud Pro plan and wants to upgrade to Enhanced Integration Environments.

What are the steps necessary prior to redeploying in order to upgrade to Enhanced Integration Environments?



1. Limit the number of Integration branches to two

2. Submit a support ticket requesting the upgrade


1. Limit the number of Integration branches to three

2. Set the ENV.ENVIRONMENT in .magento.env.yaml to ENHANCEDJNTEGRATION


1. Limit the number of Integration branches to four

2. Configure integration environments in the cloud GUI and set the Enhanced switch to On

Question 17

An Adobe Commerce developer is creating a new console command to perform a complex task with a lot of potential terminal output. If an error occurs, they want to provide a message that has higher visibility than some of the other content that may be appearing, so they want to ensure it is highlighted in red (as seen in the screenshot):

How can they customize the appearance of this message?



Call the setDecorationType(Stype) method On the Symfony\Console\Output\OutputInterface Object before Calling writeln().


Wrap the output content in tags like , , or .


Throw a new commandException with the desired message passed as an argument.

Question 18

On an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, in which order does the ECE-Tools package apply patches?



1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.

2. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.

3. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.


1. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.

2. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.

3. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.


1. Custom patches in the /m2-hotfixes directory in alphabetical order by patch name.

2. All required Magento patches included in the Cloud Patches for Commerce package.

3. Selected optional Magento patches included in the Quality Patches Tool.

Question 19

An Adobe Commerce developer is writing an integration test. They checked some Integration Tests for Magento core modules for reference and noticed that they use data fixtures initialized by adding annotations to test classes. For example:

The developer wants to add their own fixture to test a MyVendor_MyModule they created. Which steps will make this possible?



1. Create a PHP file with the fixture data inside their own module in [module dir]/Test/integration/_fiies/my_fixture.php.

2. Add the following annotation to the test method:


1. Create a PHP file With the fixture data in [magento root dir]/dev/tests/integration/testsuite/MyVendor/MyModule/_files/my_fixture.php.

2. Add the following annotation to the test method:


1. Create a PHP file with the fixture data inside their own module in [module dir]/Test/integration/_f iies/my_f ixture.php.

2. Add the following annotation to the test method:


Option A


Option B


Option C

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